When the team at The Profit Constructors drilled down to what our firm provides for our clients – seeking to encapsulate it in one word – we (after much thought and work) determined we are Advocates. Our mission and our vision read:
Our Mission:
We empower small to medium-sized construction subcontractors to take their companies to the next level of growth.
Our Vision:
We are creating a world of subcontractors that are equipped with the tools they need to estimate better, bid better, manage their jobs better, make the most profits, and be the premier service provider in their industry.
And all that boils down to our tagline – We Help You Run With The Big Dogs!
That encapsulation of what we do (helping our construction business clients be better and more profitable) guides the Advocate Evangelist to accomplish her tasks, duties, and objectives.
Where the Advocate Evangelist Came From
From the beginning, the founder and owner of The Profit Constructors, Tonya Schulte, had an evangelist (someone who spreads the word) working alongside her. That evangelist, Yvonne Root, knew that Tonya had the qualities, knowledge, and skills that allowed her to provide excellent accounting and advisory services. So, Yvonne took up the banner and began spreading the news. She became the de facto Advocate Evangelist.
Tonya has sometimes referred to Yvonne as the marketing “team,” which has brought smiles to some faces. Others name Yvonne as the content provider or the blog and social media writer. Her other duties can sometimes include editing new proposals, sensitive emails, PowerPoint presentations, or whatever comes up the line. She is occasionally called to use her online research skills for back-office information. But for the most part, she sees her evangelizing duties as her focus.
The Tools the Advocate Evangelist Uses
Yvonne grew up surrounded by family members who were in the construction trade or owned construction businesses. Yet she admits that while she knows how to heft a hammer, draw a saw, or twist a screwdriver, she isn’t very good at using any of those tools. Instead, she uses tools designed to help her accomplish her daily evangelizing tasks.
Her toolbox looks suspiciously like a laptop computer. Okay, it is a laptop computer. Among all sorts of other goodies stored in that toolbox are the tools she most frequently uses. They include:
Google Docs
Google Drive
Various search engines
(BTW – she likes to see things brought into order – and often alphabetizes lists.)
The Criteria the Advocate Evangelist Uses
Yes, there are back-office issues to manage, such as playing nice with SEO and taking part in marketing strategy conversations. Following the rhythm of social media posts and the cadence of blog postings are all part of Yvonne’s evangelizing efforts.
But when asked directly what she does to help our clients Run With The Big Dogs, she says her goal is to educate, encourage, inspire, or at least entertain clients and potential clients through her efforts with both blogging and posting to social media. Before writing, she asks, “What do construction contractors need to learn more about?” or “What will be most useful for the owners of construction businesses?” Being aware that contractors are busy, she prefers to keep most of her posts short and to the point.
She believes that her primary job as the Advocate Evangelist is to spread the message that not only is the team at The Profit Constructors ready, willing, and able to meet the needs of our clients and potential clients, but we go above and beyond to give them practical, advantageous, timely, and valuable information for improving their construction businesses.
What the Advocate Evangelist Does in Her Free Time
When the evangelist is not busy evangelizing she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren – they teach her, amaze her, and keep her laughing.
She is active in her church, loves to entertain guests, spends time reading, playing card and board games, “treasure” shopping, and joins her family in visiting museums, theme parks, and points of interest. She dabbles in handcrafts and takes great pleasure in decorating her and other people’s spaces.
Who the Advocate Evangelist Really Is
Tonya’s Mom.
And if you haven’t already figured it out by now, I, Yvonne Root, wrote this blog post in the third person because . . . well, because it seemed like the thing to do – and it was fun. 🤷♀️
Ambitious Construction Contractors look to The Profit Constructors to provide advocacy in dealing with:
Clients and customers
Employees and subcontractors
Vendors and service providers
Governmental entities
Working with The Profit Constructors gives Construction Contractors the means to organize their operations in ways that help them:
Remain informed
Avoid hassles
Reduce risks
Be future-ready
Ready for action? Or want to know more? Get in touch today to schedule a complimentary discovery call. 866-629-7735