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Writer's pictureYvonne Root

Build standardized processes – Prepare now for the future

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

This is the fifth in a five-part series concerning Steps to Scaling Your Construction Contracting Business. You can see the introduction to the series (with links to each article) by clicking here.

In his article for Forbes magazine, Eric T. Wagner, shares some insight gleaned from Kelsey Ramsden who is the president of Belvedere Place Contracting Ltd.  In 2012 and in 2013 Kelsey Ramsden, was awarded Canada’s #1 Top Woman Entrepreneur by Profit Magazine – a very prestigious award for a young, entrepreneurial, woman in the Construction Industry.

While Wagner’s entire article is worth reading, today we’ll focus on the fifth of eight tips on successful entrepreneurship shared by Ramsden — Establish Systems To Mesh With Your Goals.Smart entrepreneurs not only set goals — they build systems to support those goals. Ramsden admitted she started out doing it ‘totally wrong.’ Most of us determine what we want to accomplish, establish the time frame to get it done, and then work backwards to spread out the workload. But what’s missing is our system (a defined set of time set aside with the necessary tools to work toward the goal). It’s like wanting to lose 30 pounds (goal) by summer (time frame) and signing up for the gym membership (a tool); but not scheduling the one-hour daily appointment (your system) to do the workouts.

This is how (insert your company name here) gets it done

In its most basic form, establishing systems, building standardized processes means you’re saying, “This is how (insert your company name here) gets it done,” to your crew, to your staff, to your customers, and to your potential customers.

Think about it, flexibility can be the enemy of growth. Using an extreme example, suppose you hired a new guy to help in your painting business and he refused to use the spraying equipment which makes your painting jobs run more effectively and efficiently. What if he told you he is only willing to paint with a brush? If he was truly handy with a brush he could probably get the job done, but at what cost?

Standardized and repeatable

If you’re going to scale, you need to implement standardized and repeatable processes, with proper delegation. Yet, doing so is awkward, time consuming . . . and oh so worth it. We, at Schulte and Schulte, LLC are blessed to have an app which helps us build our growing library of standardized and repeatable systems for our accounting business. We use Aero which is a process building tool as well as a repository for each of the written systems we’ve created, are in the process of creating, and will create in the future.

But what about you, the general contractor, subcontractor, service and supply contractor, install specialist, or construction related entrepreneur?

There is an app for you too!

Knowify is what you need. It is a SaaS program for small to medium contractors to use to systemize their over-all processes.

Want to know more? Our Knowify Certified Advisors will work with you to garner the best benefits associated with using Knowify to aid in scaling your construction business through the use of standardized processes.

Your call to action:

Give us a call. We will help get you set up for a phone appointment, so you can get in the Know about Knowify. Toll Free: 866-629-7735

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